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For Employers


We are passionate about our law apprenticeship programmes, the results they achieve, and the great support both we and employers have to offer development and progression opportunities for new and existing staff. We recognise that law firms increasingly need an experienced provider-partner that can offer flexible and “future proof” apprenticeship delivery – from entry level roles in legal and business services to qualified lawyer status.

Our apprenticeships are designed to meet business needs. The objective is competence, not simply academic qualifications, with staff needing wider business and commercial skills alongside legal and practice knowledge.

The University of Law now offers three apprenticeships:

Why choose The University of Law?

We are confident that our long track record of successful and innovative delivery, from school leaver to postgraduate level, provides the best and most comprehensive solution for the sector. Our core Solicitor Apprenticeship programme has it its heart as an LLB with a proven track record of excellence.

We are committed to creating apprenticeship programmes that fit with your business, not the other way around. Our programmes are flexible and ensure that the content studied reflects your business needs, ensuring your employees have the appropriate knowledge, skills and behaviours to enhance your firm.

  • For candidates and firms through recruitment. Our team has many years of experience of placing apprentices with supportive employers.
  • For supervisors and managers. Having an apprentice is a fantastic development opportunity, but supervisors may have questions and concerns which we can help with.
  • With regular 1:1s. We deliver online face-to-face tutorials/assessment, tripartite progress reviews and visits in the workplace.
  • With progress reviews. We offer regular updates on the progress and performance of your apprentices, at intervals of your choosing. Our experienced skills coaches support apprentices and their supervisors throughout the programme, with regular progress reviews and visits to the workplace
  • With the well-being of apprentices. Good communication and working in partnership with employers allows problems to be managed proactively and resolved swiftly.

Why hire an Apprentice?

  • To support widening access to the profession
  • A way to recruit the best talent, sooner
  • To provide relevant practical training, focused on a job-specific training plan
  • To increase staff retention and commitment
  • To enhance and develop the skills of existing colleagues
  • To reinforce your commitment to social responsibility

Solicitor Apprenticeship

This is a rigorous and structured programme of six years (including law degree and SQE), providing the opportunity for both new and existing staff to qualify as a solicitor. Apprentices will undertake the Solicitor Apprentice Standard Level 7.

  • A blended learning model: Students study independently online, following detailed guidance, and are supervised by a Subject Tutor. Independent study is based around a very similar range of learning media as that for the attendance mode of study. This includes video clips, textbooks, primary and secondary materials, precedents and other documents and tests (allowing online self-assessment with feedback and monitoring by the subject tutor).
  • Dedicated Skills Coach: A Skills Coach will review your apprentice’s progress every 12 weeks through 1-to-1 tutorials and progress reviews. Skills Coaches are available by phone, email, video call and are there to support the firm throughout an apprentice’s training.
  • Greater control: This model allows the employer and apprentice greater control over the time, place and pace of their study. You will be able to closely monitor student progress via our online e-portfolio system. This system enables you to track training and assessments.
  • Support in-person: All activity is supplemented by live webinars and face-to-face skills sessions, which take place in groups in the allocated ULaw campus.
  • Students will also have access to the ULaw SQE revision app to self-test on the breadth of the SQE syllabus
  • Students will study towards the award of an LLB in Legal Practice and Skills.
  • Students will also work toward the SRA's new centralised assessment the Solicitors Qualifying Examinations (SQE), which is sat in two parts.
  • Apprentices will undertake study towards the two assessments and will sit SQE1 and SQE2 in the final year of study. From year 5 onwards apprentices will also prepare a work-based portfolio of evidence.

Year 1

Semester 1: Common Law Method and Ethics
Semester 2: Public Law
Semester 3: Law of Contract

Year 2

Semester 1: Law of Tort
Semester 2: Criminal Law
Semester 3: Critical Approaches in Current Legal Issues

Year 3

Semester 1: Land Law
Semester 2: Real Estate
Semester 3: Business Law 1

Year 4

Semester 1: Equity and Trusts
Semester 1 and 2: Access to Justice and Legal Services
Semester 2: Criminal Ligitation and Evidence
Semester 3: Civil Dispute Resolution

Year 5

Semester 1: Business Law 2
Semester 1 and 2: Wills and Succession
Semester 2: SQE1 Preparation - Functioning Legal Knowledge (FLK) 2
Semester 3: Skills Portfolio and FLK 2

Year 6

Semester 1: SQE1 Preparation - FLK 1, SQE 1 Bootcamp and Examination
Semester 2: SQE2 Preparation and Examination
Semester 3: LLM Key Practice Areas

Entry Requirements

  • 3 A Levels at Grade C or above, or equivalent*
  • 5 GCSEs, including Maths and English, or equivalent, at Grade C/4 or above


A range of assessment methods will be used, including:

  • Exams: Two hours, ten multiple choice questions and two long-form questions
  • Coursework: Essay, project report or portfolio
  • Oral presentation
  • In Year 5 & 6 apprentices will undertake Solicitor Qualification Examinations which are set by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. More information can be found here.

Note: Employers may set their own entry criteria. Consult the specific employer for their criteria.

As apprentices have employed status you must have the right to permanently live and work in the UK. Apprenticeships are not covered by student visas.

*Please contact us to discuss acceptable equivalent qualifications.

How much does a Solicitor Apprenticeship programme cost?

The programme costs £30,000. This cost assumes an end point assessment fee of £4,115. Payments are made through the digital account for levy payers and through Government and Employer contributions (split 95/5) for non-levy payers. This fee incorporates all course materials. Contact us for more information.

Where do you find an apprentice?

Employing an apprentice is just like employing any other member of staff; they only become an apprentice once they have signed up onto an apprenticeship programme with a training provider.

We offer a full recruitment service to help you find the best candidates and can assist with your recruitment and implementation needs. Please get in touch to discuss the packages available to support you.

If you already have an employee who you think would be interested/suitable for an apprenticeship programme, you could approach them to see if they would be willing to carry out an apprenticeship.

If you contract with ULaw to deliver the qualifications within an apprenticeship, we can arrange for an advert to be placed on the National Apprenticeship Service website.

You can also pay to advertise on commercial sites such as GetMyFirstJob or CareerMap.

What is a typical apprenticeship salary?

This depends on the Employer. Typical salaries range from £15,000 to £25,000 per annum, depending on experience and the Employer’s circumstances.

The current National Minimum Wage for an apprentice is available here. This rate applies to Apprentices under 19 and those aged 19 or over who are in their first year. Apprentices must be paid at least the minimum wage rate for their age if they are aged 19 or over and have completed their first year.

Apprentices are paid for their normal working hours and training that’s part of their apprenticeship (usually one day per week).

If you employ an Apprentice under 25, you will be exempt from paying their Employer National Insurance Contribution.

Do I have any additional duties or obligations when I employ an Apprentice?

Current legislation determines that all parties involved in apprenticeships must take reasonable action to minimise risks to Apprentices, in and outside of the workplace. The University is committed to working together with Employers to promote the safety and wellbeing of Apprentices. The University has a range of services to support apprentices overcome difficulties, aid mental wellbeing and achieve their full potential. We also have created a Safeguarding Guide for Employers which offers information that Employers may wish to consider incorporating into their internal procedures.

Graduate Entry Solicitor Apprenticeship (GRAD)

This 25 month programme has been designed for applicants who have already completed a Bachelor's degree and prepares them for the Solicitors Qualifying Examinations, Parts 1 & 2. Upon successful completion, subject to SRA Character & Suitability test, apprentices will become a qualified lawyer ready for day 1 as a qualified solicitor.

  • A blended learning model: Students study independently online, following detailed guidance, and are supervised by a Subject Tutor. Independent study is based around a very similar range of learning media as that for the attendance mode of study. This includes video clips, textbooks, primary and secondary materials, precedents and other documents and tests (allowing online self-assessment with feedback and monitoring by the subject tutor).
  • Dedicated Skills Coach: A Skills Coach will review your apprentice’s progress every 12 weeks through 1-to-1 tutorials and progress reviews. Skills Coaches are available by phone, email, video call and are there to support the firm throughout an apprentice’s training.
  • Greater control: This model allows the employer and apprentice greater control over the time, place and pace of their study. You will be able to closely monitor student progress via our online e-portfolio system. This system enables you to track training and assessments.
  • Support in-person: All activity is supplemented by live webinars and face-to-face skills sessions, which take place in groups in the allocated ULaw campus.
  • Students will also have access to the ULaw SQE revision app to self-test on the breadth of the SQE syllabus
  • This programme of study is designed for students who are employed as solicitor apprentices and have already gained a degree or Level 6 qualification in law, within the last 3 years.
  • In addition to preparing students for SQE 1 & 2, the course has a practical focus with key skills embedded into the course.
  • Apprentices will follow an individual training plan which will be reviewed by a skills coach every 8-12 weeks.


Year 1

Functioning Legal Knowledge 1 (Business, Legal Services, Dispute Resolution)
Functioning Legal Knowledge 2 (Property Law and Practice, Wills, Solicitors’ Accounts, Criminal Practice)

Year 2

Client Interviewing
Advocacy/persuasive oral communication
Case and matter analysis
Legal research and written advice
Plus portfolio of work completed throughout training and optional modules

Entry Requirements

  • To be eligible you must comply with the requirements of the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA)
  • UK bachelors degree in law at 2.2 or above or equivalent. (Please contact us to discuss acceptable equivalent qualifications)
  • GCSE English and Maths at Level C/4 or above or equivalent. Please note you may need to undertake Functional Skills Maths & English assessments if you did not sit GCSE Maths & English, or do not hold the minimum grades. (Please contact us to discuss acceptable equivalent qualifications)

Note: Employers can set their own entry criteria and may require a 2.1 or higher. Please consult the specific employer for their criteria.

As apprentices have employed status you, must have the right to permanently live and work in the UK. Apprenticeships are not covered by student visas.


The Solicitors Qualifying Examination SQE is the assessment for all aspiring solicitors in England and Wales. SQE 1 & 2 are centralised assessments. For more information, please see the SRA’s website.

What is a typical Graduate Entry Solicitor Apprenticeship salary?

This depends on the Employer. Note: Apprentices are paid for their normal working hours and training that’s part of their apprenticeship (usually one day per week).

How much does a Graduate Entry Solicitor Apprenticeship cost for Employers?

Fees are £17,000, depending on course length. This cost assumes an end point assessment fee of £4,115. Payments are made through the digital account for levy payers and through Government and Employer contributions (split 95/5) for non-levy payers. This fee incorporates all course materials. Please contact us for more information.

Where do you find an Apprentice?

Employing an Apprentice is just like employing any other member of staff; they only become an Apprentice once they have signed up onto an apprenticeship programme with a training provider.

We offer a full recruitment service to help you find the best candidates and can assist with your recruitment and implementation needs. Please get in touch to discuss the packages available to support you.

If you already have an employee who you think would be interested/suitable for an apprenticeship programme, you could approach them to see if they would be willing to carry out an apprenticeship.

If you contract with ULaw to deliver the qualifications within an apprenticeship, we can arrange for an advert to be placed on the National Apprenticeship Service website.

You can also pay to advertise on commercial sites such as GetMyFirstJob or CareerMap.

What is a typical law apprenticeship salary?

This depends on the Employer. Typical salaries range from £15,000 to £25,000 per annum, dependent on experience and the Employer’s circumstances.

The current National Minimum Wage for an apprentice available here. This rate applies to apprentices under 19 and those aged 19 or over who are in their first year. Apprentices must be paid at least the minimum wage rate for their age if they are aged 19 or over and have completed their first year.

Apprentices are paid for their normal working hours and training that’s part of their apprenticeship (usually one day per week).

If you employ an Apprentice under 25, you will be exempt from paying their Employer National Insurance Contribution.

Do I have any additional duties or obligations when I employ an Apprentice?

Current legislation determines that all parties involved in apprenticeships must take reasonable action to minimise risks to Apprentices, in and outside of the workplace. The University is committed to working together with Employers to promote the safety and wellbeing of Apprentices. The University has a range of services to support apprentices overcome difficulties, aid mental wellbeing and achieve their full potential. We also have created a Safeguarding Guide for Employers which offers information that Employers may wish to consider incorporating into their internal procedures.

Graduate Entry Solicitor Apprenticeship with Law Essentials (GALE)

This 31 month programme has been designed for applicants who do not have a law degree or GDL or who have completed a bachelor’s degree in law more than 3 years prior to the start date of the programme.

The Legal Essentials programme is a mandatory requirement at The University of Law for those Apprentices who do not have a law degree or GDL or who have a law degree that was completed more than 3 years from the start of the apprenticeship programme. The Legal Essentials programme covers some of the ground that the Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) once covered and is essential learning for those Apprentices without a recent law degree to cover the black letter law subjects relevant to the SQE. When combined with the GRAD programme, the Legal Essentials programme is known as “GALE”.

The GALE programme covers the academic law foundation subjects before moving onto vocational practice subjects and preparation for the Solicitors Qualifying Examinations, Parts 1 & 2. Upon successful completion, subject to SRA Character & Suitability test, apprentices will become a qualified lawyer ready for day 1 as a qualified solicitor.

  • A blended learning model: Students study online independently, following detailed guidance, and are supervised by a Subject Tutor. Independent study is based around a very similar range of learning media as that for the attendance mode of study. This includes video clips, textbooks, primary and secondary materials, precedents and other documents and tests (allowing online self-assessment with feedback and monitoring by the subject tutor).
  • Dedicated Skills Coach: A Skills Coach will review your apprentice’s progress every 12 weeks through 1-to-1 tutorials and progress reviews. Skills Coaches are available by phone, email, video call.
  • Greater control: This model allows the employer and apprentice greater control over the time, place and pace of their study. You will be able to closely monitor student progress via our online e-portfolio system. This system enables you to track training and assessments.
  • Support in-person: All activity is supplemented by live webinars and face-to-face skills sessions, which take place in groups in the allocated ULaw campus.
  • Students will also have access to the ULaw SQE revision app
  • The GALE programme is designed for students who are employed as solicitor apprentices and who do not have a recent law degree or GDL.
  • The GALE programme is suitable for those apprentices who have a law degree or Level 6 qualification in law completed more than three years ago from the start of the programme OR who hold a non-law degree.
  • At the beginning of the GALE programme, apprentices without a recent law degree or GDL will complete a 22 week course at the University on the ‘black letter law’ needed to pass SQE. This element of the programme is known as the “Legal Essentials” programme.
  • The Legal Essentials programme brings those apprentices without a recent law degree or GDL up to speed with those who do have a recent law degree or GDL.
  • Legal Essentials therefore puts apprentices without a recent law degree or GDL in a similar position to those who do in order to study for the SQE together on the GRAD element of the programme.
  • In addition to preparing students for SQE 1 & 2, the GALE programme has a practical focus with key skills embedded into the course.
  • Apprentices will also follow an individual training plan which will be reviewed by a skills coach every 8-12 weeks.

Year 1

  • Law Essentials
  • Constitutional & Administrative Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Land Law
  • Contract Law
  • Tort Law
  • Trusts
  • English Legal Systems & EU Law


  • Functioning Legal Knowledge 1 (Business, Legal Services, Dispute Resolution)
  • Functioning Legal Knowledge 2 (Property Law and Practice, Wills, Solicitors’ Accounts, Criminal Practice)

Year 2

  • Client Interviewing
  • Advocacy/persuasive oral communication
  • Case and matter analysis
  • Legal research and written advice
  • Drafting
  • Plus portfolio of work completed throughout training and optional modules

How much does a Graduate Entry Solicitor Apprenticeship with Legal Essentials cost?

Fees are £20,500, depending on course length. This cost assumes an end point assessment fee of £4,115. Payments are made through the digital account for levy payers and through Government and employer contributions (split 95/5) for non-levy payers. This fee incorporates all course materials. Please contact us for more information.

Where do you find an Apprentice?

Employing an Apprentice is just like employing any other member of staff; they only become an Apprentice once they have signed up onto an apprenticeship programme with a training provider.

We offer a full recruitment service to help you find the best candidates and can assist with your recruitment and implementation needs. Please get in touch to discuss the packages available to support you.

If you already have an employee who you think would be interested/suitable for an apprenticeship programme, you could approach them to see if they would be willing to carry out an apprenticeship.

If you contract with ULaw to deliver the qualifications within an apprenticeship, we can arrange for an advert to be placed on the National Apprenticeship Service website.

You can also pay to advertise on commercial sites such as GetMyFirstJob or CareerMap.

What is a typical law apprenticeship salary?

This depends on the Employer. Typical salaries range from £15,000 to £25,000 per annum, dependent on experience and the Employer’s circumstances.

The current National Minimum Wage for an Apprentice is available here. This rate applies to Apprentices under 19 and those aged 19 or over who are in their first year. Apprentices must be paid at least the minimum wage rate for their age if they are aged 19 or over and have completed their first year.

Apprentices are paid for their normal working hours and training that’s part of their apprenticeship (usually one day per week).

If you employ an Apprentice under 25, you will be exempt from paying their Employer National Insurance Contribution.

Do I have any additional duties or obligations when I employ an Apprentice?

Current legislation determines that all parties involved in apprenticeships must take reasonable action to minimise risks to apprentices, in and outside of the workplace. The University is committed to working together with Employers to promote the safety and wellbeing of Apprentices. The University has a range of services to support apprentices overcome difficulties, aid mental wellbeing and achieve their full potential. We also have created a Safeguarding Guide for Employers which offers information that Employers may wish to consider incorporating into their internal procedures.

Contact Us

We would be delighted to discuss your training needs with you in more details.

Email: [email protected]