student support Library & Learning Skills
Library & Learning Skills at the University of Law supports all students and staff, in person and online. Our teams of specialists provide high quality, relevant, accessible collections and help you to develop the study skills, research expertise and digital aptitude needed during your time at ULaw and in your lives beyond.
UDiscover - Search the online and print library collection
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Find titles in our collections using our discovery tool UDiscover to find both online and local collections. Access our databases, reading lists and collections.
Skills Academy
Learn how to use online platforms and become a digital learner. Assess your digital skills and learn how to build your skills and improve your research.
Develop SkillsUsing our libraries
Find information about using the Library at our campuses. Learn about opening hours, how to borrow items, including laptop loans. See also Library news.
Find out moreStudy Skills
Study smarter not harder. Make the most of your time, prioritise your workload, achieve your best possible outcome.
Find out moreLibrary Help and Support
Get help, support and training for your research needs including access to library training via our calendar and book appointments with library staff.
Get Help and SupportWorkshop Calendar
Access Library and Study Skills workshops including sessions on referencing, researching, databases, essay writing and many more.
Book your workshop