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We Support Your Ambition: Max Yang

The University of Law is passionate about supporting the ambitions of our students in practical ways, focusing on providing teaching and guidance on all our courses that suit each of our students individually. Max Yang is studying the MA Law at our London Moorgate campus. He would like to incorporate his interests in the advancement of technology and infrastructure into his career. We asked Max about his time studying with us and his experience of the support he’s received during his course.

By Cara Fielder. Published 1 May 2020. Last updated 13 October 2022.

My undergraduate degree is in German law. While studying my first degree, I spent a year in London where I had my first contact with the English legal profession. Having worked for a few years after graduation, I decided to study a law conversion course in the UK as it will allow me to build an international profile, supporting my legal career ambitions.

England and Wales are recognised as the jurisdiction of choice for international business. The large pool of English case law also tells the story of how British society embraced change to become a global pacesetter in lifestyle and business culture.

The three main reasons that I chose ULaw were location, course structure and reputation. A number of law schools across England and Wales offer conversion courses and the syllabuses can be quite similar, so I attended a number of events at different providers to narrow down my list. I immediately felt at home at The University of Law’s spacious Moorgate campus, with its convenient transport links and proximity to shops, pubs and restaurants.

I really like the modular structure of the GDL and the MA Law. Taking three of seven exams in January, the workload at ULaw is more evenly balanced across the academic year. This is also an opportunity to refine the exam technique for the four further exams in June. As a recognised Master’s, the MA enjoys global recognition and is best suited to those building an international legal career.

I’ve met ULaw alumni wherever I’ve been. At a conference in Germany, a US-qualified lawyer who’s now working in an in-house position in Asia spoke favourably of his time at the then College of Law to pursue an additional qualification as an English solicitor.

I am very interested in practising law with a focus on fast-moving, innovative sectors such as financial services, technology, or transport and infrastructure. Perhaps the strongest point of a qualifying Master’s degree is its flexibility – it opens doors to the vocational stage of training, but also the further academic study of the law. I have always been interested in the rules that govern how members of the society interact with each other, and I enjoyed debating at school – so I guess law was very much the obvious choice.

Whether you are just starting with law or refreshing your knowledge after having studied a non-qualifying law degree, the online Legal Method course covers the basic skills. It takes a week to work through the activities but means that you’re well prepared when you start the actual course. I found the tests (mock exams) in the fourth week of the course to be really helpful. They are not compulsory but an excellent opportunity to practise timing and writing style. And the lecturers really take time to provide personalised feedback to students.

Having studied at three universities, I can say that it is enthusiastic lecturers that make all the difference, and ULaw has plenty of them. Before starting the course I didn’t expect to enjoy EU Law and Public Law this much. I am looking forward to starting the civil law modules in the spring.

A wide range of media allows me to study at my own pace. I’ve used i-Tutorials, podcasts, online test and feedback exercises, recorded lectures and online resources like Law Trove. That said, a conversion course is intense and should be treated like a full-time job to stay on top of everything.

The best advice I could give prospective students is to come visit ULaw for an Open Day. Or a Lawyer’s Den event to have a chat with the lecturers. As much as law schools might look the same on paper, you will want to find out where you feel at home.

I’ve received wonderful support from Sue Eccleston, our Public Law lecturer. I hadn’t written an essay in exam conditions for years but she always had time for questions on exam strategy, delivered workshops with a great sense of humour and demonstrated the links between the syllabus and current affairs.

The Employability Services team has also given me very valuable advice on application strategy, cover letters, CVs and interviews in 1-to-1 appointments. The on-campus presentations and open evenings run by law firms as well as the interview feedback sheets on Elite are also very useful. The Employability Services team also organise a variety of pro bono activities like the Employment Law Telephone Clinic. These are excellent opportunities to watch qualified lawyers advising clients – a low-commitment, first step into legal work experience.

Right at the beginning of the academic year, I enrolled on a Toastmasters Speechcraft course. It’s hosted at the Moorgate campus and attracts a wide range of students from both London campuses and different courses, from the LLB to the LPC or BPTC (now BPC). Not only did this improve my public speaking skills, but I also made friends across campuses and courses. This is a rewarding but also very intense course, so it is very important to build a network of enthusiastic people around you to keep your spirits up.

Although Moorgate is a postgraduate campus, I found the social life to be really good. There is a good balance of locals, students from other parts of the UK and internationals from Europe and farther afield. I’ve met people from all over the globe – people from Canada, Colombia, France, Poland and other countries. Our class frequently goes to pub nights, while I’ve also been to other events hosted by the International Student Society and the Events Committee.


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