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We Support Your Ambition: Khadija Mojumdar

Current student Khadija Mojumdar joined ULaw London Bloomsbury campus in 2018 to study the LLB. She joined us as the first step on her journey to change careers. We caught up with Khadija to discuss her plans for the future and how we are supporting her ambition.

By Cara Fielder. Published 7 May 2021. Last updated 10 May 2021.

I am a mature student and chose to study at ULaw because I wanted a career change. I must say, I was apprehensive at first. I feared I would be out of place among the youngsters. However, coming to The University of Law was the best choice I made. The diversity of pupils from different countries, age groups and cultures is amazing. I fitted right in from the word go.

The diverse cultures and social groups at the University have definitely enlightened my knowledge and understanding. It truly is exciting being part of it all.

I wanted to study somewhere central with easy access to transport and amenities; The University of Law has it all. Not only is it geared around student satisfaction but it also caters to student comfort and convenience. Being taught by practising barristers and solicitors with first-hand experience and knowledge in the subject fields enabled us to get exclusive insight into the reality and requirements of law.

I chose ULaw because its speciality is law. Everything is in house, from the undergraduate LLB to postgraduate LPC and LLM; I would not have to go hunting for another institution. The advice and help provided to apply for training contracts and construct a legal CV are great.

My future career ambitions are clear at this stage. I would like to qualify as a solicitor. After completing the final year of my LLB, I intend to stay with ULaw to complete my LPC with LLM. From there, I will take up a training contract. I am confident I will achieve this as the courses are all geared around getting practical experience, as well as practical knowledge in law.

All the tutors I have had have been absolutely wonderful. They are all so approachable and are always ready to answer questions after lessons. The University has surgery sessions where tutors from each subject invite students to ask questions and get help. The tutor who has really gone that extra mile is Angela Wright, my company law tutor. Angela teaches with such ease and passion; it made us want to know more. She left no stone unturned. She is persistent and patient. I believe it is because of her teaching I managed to attain a very high first on my assessment. Angela is always there whenever we need help with any kind of queries. She is not just a tutor but a friend.. It’s rare to be at a university where your tutors become your friends.

I have had the pleasure of using the ULaw Employability Service for a number of things. First and foremost, my legal CV. I received such wonderful practical advice on creating a brilliant CV. I have also had help arranging vacation schemes for the summer. Even during the pandemic, the Employability Service was always in contact with me via phone or Skype to help with my applications. The pro bono facilities are available from the very first year to the final third year; a great way to get first-hand insight and skills as a lawyer. The Employability Service is a very valuable department at the University.

I’ve been part of the Debating Society and involved in advocacy mooting. These experiences are priceless. They enabled me to become even more confident and outspoken. I learned how to address the court, prepare case bundles and present an argument - a taster of what is to come after qualifying.

One thing I will definitely take away from ULaw, is the power of speech, the ability to get noticed and demand the attention of your audience. I can stand in front of any number of people without hesitation and deliver the information I wish to convey. The valuable skill of critically evaluating a situation and finding a solution. The ability to take on a challenge. I feel prepared, armed with an array of knowledge and experiences. I know I can master the working world and anything life throws at me.

This University is in the heart of London, where you can be part of the wonderfully diverse cultures around you. Bloomsbury campus is at the centre of the corporate hub, designer shopping, beautiful parks, wonderful restaurants and buzzing nightlife. Whether you’re extraverted or introverted, it caters for all. 

The University of Law treats its students like a family. It prides itself on student satisfaction. The courses are geared around helping you pass with top grades. It has dedicated study areas for when you wish to study alone or in groups. There is a relaxing games area for when you want to hang out with friends or grab a bite to eat. It is a very comfortable university, catering for people with disabilities. It is a very friendly place where you can work, relax, and play while getting a top-class education.

I have made many friends at the University from the very first day. However, I have some very close friends with whom I have a special bond. We are all from different backgrounds and different countries, but when we first met, we just connected. It’s beautiful how friends are always there for you in ‘sickness and in health’. Working together in the classes enables us to get to know each other even more. I feel these friends are for life. Being a mature student, I can truly say it is never too late to learn and never too late to make friends.


Are you looking to change careers just like Khadija? Discover how we can support your ambition.