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Learn Your Way: What makes online study so unique?

In recent years, the world of work and study has changed. In the professional sphere, remote and hybrid roles used to be few and far between but are now the norm. While many graduates may still gravitate more towards office-based roles, having a track record of being able to work well remotely will show employers that you are adaptable and able to move with the times. To celebrate our Online Campus and range of flexible study options, we have compiled some of the most unique things about these modes of study and the transferable skills you can expect to gain.

By Grant Longstaff. Published 26 June 2023.

Study your way, from anywhere

Possibly the most unique thing about studying online is the flexibility of being able to study anywhere. Remaining in one place can become repetitive, so online students may opt to work at different places, from their home office to their favourite local café. While online students are still required to study the same number of hours as campus-based students, they can choose when and where to do this, making it an ideal choice for those with extra commitments such as work or childcare, or simply those who value that extra bit of freedom and free time whilst studying.

For those who do wish to study face-to-face but still require an element of flexibility, we offer most of our courses part-time. We also offer our CampuSwitch scheme, allowing students to experience new places and transfer to any of our different campuses. The scheme also provides the option to switch from one study mode to another, such as from online to face-to-face.

Build digital literacy

As times progress, technology continues to evolve and change the way we work. We have seen it in recent times with the advent of ChatGPT which many companies are harnessing for various functions, from content writing to customer service. The rapid rate at which technology is consuming our lives is, at times, overwhelming; the key is learning to adapt alongside it and use it to your advantage.

Online students will have a strong handle on all things digital. Studying online requires students to use numerous online platforms, interact in online lectures and seminars, and find the most efficient ways to organise their digital files such as essays, notes, and any feedback. Even gaining experience in the more administrative side of things such as communicating via email is good practise for developing corporate etiquette.

Learn to manage your workload effectively

It goes without saying that online students are required to manage their workload and various projects efficiently. This is a required skill for any mode of study, but many online students balance studying alongside their other commitments so must truly perfect the art of organisation. As there is nobody there to physically encourage you to study, a strong sense of initiative is essential. The same goes for accelerated and part-time study, where students must ensure to develop a solid study routine outside of the conventional face-to-face hours. The ability to manage your workload will be highly attractive to employers, demonstrating that you are reliable. Equally, having this skill will help you to transition seamlessly into full-time employment when the time comes.

Keeping a healthy balance between study and leisure is not always easy, which is why we provide a host of resources for our students to support them academically and mentally. This includes everything from advice from Academic Coaches to tailored support from our Employability and Wellbeing teams.


Embrace the future of flexible learning and learn more about our Online campus today.