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Learn Your Way: Interview with Business School Online Programme Director Navdeep Chouhan

Navdeep Chouhan is the Online Programme Director for our Business School. We caught up with Navdeep to talk about life as an online tutor, all-things business and some of the core professional competencies gained from studying online.

By Elena Carruthers. Published 9 December 2022. Last updated 11 January 2023.

From an early age, I have always been interested and inspired by successful business leaders. To me, it was important to understanding their journey through business into senior leadership roles and how they faced and overcame challenges along the way.

The University of Law is an innovative and exciting place to work and study. It is great to work with students who come from a range of different backgrounds and from all parts of the world. It is clear that our students are passionate about business and making positive changes. Seeing students progress through the programme and developing as future managers and leaders is one of my favourite things about the role.

I think the most important attributes of any successful business student is the ability to demonstrate emotional intelligence when leading and managing teams, work collectively and collaboratively with a range of different people, professionally challenge how things are done, and importantly, how things can be improved for the better.  

The online programmes at The University of Law Business School aim to prepare students for the world of work, whether students are looking for their first graduate job or hoping to gain their next promotion. Studying online will help students build on their knowledge, skills and competencies which are important for the roles they wish to undertake and sectors they wish to enter. The online programmes give students safe spaces to test their knowledge, skills and opportunities to develop.

From personal experience, studying online was difficult in terms of time management. I was studying while having a young family and working full-time. What worked for me was to ensure I managed my time very effectively. This was achieved by blocked out time in the week to attend online webinars and complete the related work for that week. Secondly, I was very disciplined. I ensured that I met all my deadlines in full and if I was struggling due to family or work challenges, I would reach out to my tutors and student support services to ask for help. At first, I wasn’t comfortable in doing this, however, upon reflection, keeping the communication open with tutors and student teams really helped me progress and complete my online programme.

I don’t believe there is a better time to undertake a degree, particularly in the field of business. Following the global pandemic, organisations of all shapes and sizes are changing how they do business whether this is working with suppliers, managing staff, to building on their customer base. This, coupled with advances in technology and how technology is changing the way we manage and lead teams today makes now an exciting time to enter the world of business and be a part of the change.

The University of Law Business School online programmes aim to prepare our graduates for the world of work. Not only will our graduates have the contemporary knowledge of the subject matter but also the opportunity to develop their skills and competences, which are required from employers today.

The Online Campus offers great opportunities for students to build on their personal and professional development. In addition, there is a great community of peers who are all in similar situations to build relationships and a network of fellow peers so online students are able to feel connected.


Learn more about The University of Law’s online offering including our range of online business programmes.