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How studying law prepares you for the corporate world

Law is a widely respected degree on both an academic and a professional level. Students will graduate with an extensive knowledge of the law as well as a strong commercial awareness. This type of knowledge is valuable not only for law, but any corporate roles, giving law graduates a competitive edge.

By Elena Carruthers. Published 8 September 2023.

An understanding of business is essential for any law student, not only to grasp commercial law but to strengthen interpersonal skills and the ability to think outside the box. Solicitors and barristers alike must possess the ability to consider different points of view and articulate these effectively. Therefore, those with an undergraduate law degree are well-equipped for the corporate world even if they opt for a different career path after graduating such as pursuing further study in Business.

Make informed decisions

All law students will develop a basic understanding of commercial law which relates to the rules and regulations that govern business transactions and activities. Most law students will study both commercial and employment law as core modules during their undergraduate degree, so are savvy on the do’s and don’ts of the business world. For example, they will be cautious and thorough with any contracts and be swift to identify any red flags surrounding HR and employment practises, as well as financial disputes. The hope is obviously that legal difficulties do not arise, but being aware of the law whilst in employment can only work in your favour.

Administrative skills

Most law students would probably be harmonious in the conclusion that a law degree requires a hefty amount of reading. In addition to managing a high volume of work and reading, it is essential for law students to identify key information both to build a strong case and to appropriately file the necessary paperwork. These types of administrative duties may sound mundane but are a crucial skill in the workplace and one that many new professionals take some time adjust to. Being able to quickly scan through documents whilst maintaining attention to detail is a guaranteed head start in the corporate world.


Good communication is more than just being confident and getting on with others, while this is valuable in itself. Corporate communication is distinct from any other type of communication most young professionals will have experienced and means being aware both your own and the company’s reputation at all times; your communication whilst employed must reflect the values of the company. This does not mean compromising your sense of uniqueness and personality but being able to adapt your speaking and writing skills to a business context. Through legal training, students learn the importance of precision of language and considering its potential consequences. Law students also know to be extra cautious with any written communication and to never put anything in writing that could be incriminating or considered defamatory against the company or its customer base.

Managing disputes

Dispute management is a unique and challenging form of communication. It is about finding a balance between being respectful and professional, and protecting your own integrity as well as that of the company. Law graduates possess skills of negotiation, meditation, and obviously knowledge of the law – all of which are invaluable if conflict were to arise in a corporate setting. Additionally, most law graduates have strong analytical and problem-solving skills so will be able to approach any potential issues from various angles, building constructive solutions.


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