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Our award-winning Employability Service adapts to the new remote world

During this time of changing studying practices to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic all our students have now switched to online study. We are pleased to hear that so many of our students are enjoying the new ways of working.

Our Employability team has made the move online too, offering employability workshops, online pro bono opportunities, and one-to-one career sessions online, along with variety of different ways to learn how to make your employment prospects just as bright during these unusual times.

By Cara Fielder. Published 15 April 2020. Last updated 8 March 2022.

Daily Virtual Workshops

The Employability team have been hosting daily hour-long workshops on Collaborate at 9am, 1pm and 4pm each day. These are also recorded for any student not able to attend at those times.

These workshops cover many topics such as pupillage interview guidance, managing time, business and non-law careers, interview skills and commercial awareness, along with Covid-19 related worries.

A full schedule of Employability Virtual Workshops can be found here for students on our Employability Portal.

LinkedIn Employability Group

Our Employability team post daily to The University of Law LinkedIn Employability Group. This group aims to connect current Ulaw students and recent graduates together with employers, pro bono organisations and Employability staff.


Your Reflections

The Employability team are also asking students for their reflections on the world in 500 words or less.

There are so many pertinent topics for students to reflect upon, which develop a range of skills, including written communication.

Topics may include, but are certainly not limited to:

  • Cancelled Vacation Scheme—how to take the positives out of what appears to be a major setback.
  • Mental Health—how important is the provision of workplace support when students consider which employers to target?
  • Coronavirus—what will be the immediate impact and the longer term societal changes?
  • Greta Thunberg and Climate Change
  • Leadership in times of crisis.      

Feedback is provided on every student’s written piece and the best will be publicised and referenced in discussions with employers to convey student views.

Our Resources and Employability Services

Along with the above, our Employability team continue to offer the same great resources and services to our students, including:

StEP Guides

Our StEP guides on the Employability pages provide guidance on all matters careers related from understanding the legal market to preparing for an interview.

The equivalent RAISE resources on ELITE for business students and those pursuing non-law routes.

Other Employability Services on offer to our students:

  • Law and non-law careers guidance
  • Mock interviews
  • CV & Cover letters advice
  • Training Contract s & Vacation schemes - help and advice
  • Pupillage & Mini-pupillage applications & interviews
  • Application feedback
  • Networking

Our students are already taking advantage of our Employability Service’s move online:

ULaw LPC Student

“Thank you so much to you and your team for your fast responses to changing the way you operate the employability service. I really enjoyed your talk today and it did give me a lot to think about and affirmed things I was already considering.”

ULaw GDL Student

“After listening to the first workshop from you on Thursday, I have signed up for the NHS volunteering role. It will be the one on the phone since I can’t do other roles due to lack of transport. I am looking forward to it. If I had not listened to your workshop I may have gestated with the idea rather than actually doing something about it. Thank you for the signposting.”

Our Employability Director, John Watkins, leaves us with a final message:

“The professions will survive and they will need to recruit talent to optimise their response. The key question that they will ask is ‘What did you do during Covid-19?’ and this should give every student something positive to focus on during the challenging months ahead.”


Discover more about our award-winning Employability Service