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Graduation Gowning and Photography

Information and guidance on the gowning and photography services, including how to take your measurements, what hood and gown you will be wearing and dress code.

Key Facts

  • Booking portal will open on Tuesday, 18 March 2025 and close on Sunday, 06 April 2025.
  • Gowning and photography is booked via Graduation Attire
  • Official graduation photography will be posted within 6-8 weeks after your ceremony
  • On stage photography is available to view and purchase through the link sent via email or your Graduation Attire account
  • Smart dress code



Gowning and Photography

All attending Graduands are required to wear academic dress, which includes a gown, hood and mortarboard. This service is provided by Graduation Attire through our designated booking portal.

You will receive an email from the Graduation Team when the booking portal opens detailing how to order your academic dress.

Spring 2025 gown and photography orders can be placed once the booking portal opens on 18 March 2025.

All orders for gowns can be done online or over the telephone and will include your free-of-charge Graduand ticket. Contact details will be included in your invitation email.

When ordering, please be prepared with your head circumference, chest and height measurements, and your credit/debit card details.

Please note, you will not be able to hire or purchase your gown and free-of-charge Graduand ticket after the deadline.

For additional guidance on how to take your measurements for your gown and mortarboard, read the guidance on the Graduation Attire page.


Gowning will take place at the venue before the ceremony. Please see the ceremony schedule for your allocated time.

You must return your gown at the end of the ceremony unless you have paid for additional hire.

The Graduation Attire team will help you put on your gown when you collect it to ensure everything fits correctly and they will adjust it before you go on stage.

This video demonstrates how to wear a gown correctly.

On the day of your ceremony, the Graduation Attire team will present you with your full gown, hood and cap set ready for your ceremony. However the gown they provide is not any kind of gown, it holds a GradTag to make your day quicker and simpler.

The GradTag in your smart gown is currently used for two purposes:

  1. On-Stage Photography - when graduating, you will be able to have a photo of yourself on stage with the Vice Chancellor. The smart gown will be scanned before you walk across the stage and the photographer will take the photo from the balcony on the right-hand side as you look up. This photo then is placed automatically into an online gallery and a link is sent to your email to view and purchase should you like it.
  2. Attire Returns - if you have chosen the day hire option, your gown will be scanned again as you return it, this confirmation shows on the Graduation Attire systems on site and also sends you an email with the time that the gown was returned as well.

Why is this important?

When collecting your attire, the Graduation Attire team will require you to fill out a form to register the gown. Therefore, please ensure that you arrive a minimum of 40 minutes before the ceremony is due to begin. 

As this is a formal celebration, Graduands and guests should dress accordingly in smart attire. Casual clothing such as jeans, trainers and t-shirts are not suitable for this event.

We recommend Graduands bring a brooch or pin to secure your hood to your garment.

National dress is welcome should Graduands and their guests wish.

Official photography will be available on the day. You can order photography on the same website that you order your gown from, or on the day of your ceremony from the photography sales desk. Please note that on the day availability may be limited.

For more information about the photography process, click here.

During the ceremony, our official photographers will take photos of you crossing the stage as you approach the Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor. These can be purchased following the ceremony through the link sent via email or your Graduation Attire account.

Please note, the use of flash photography is not permitted during the ceremony.



If your query was not answered in the section above, please check out our frequently asked questions below.

Gowning is located on Level -1. There will be directional signage on the day to guide you. You will need to check in at the registration desk on the same floor before collecting your gown.

While it is not necessary, we strongly recommend that you pre-book individual portrait photography as on-the-day packages may be limited and the charge is likely to be uplifted. You can pre-book your photos through your Graduation Attire account via the link in your “Booking Now Open” email.

Yes, guests are welcome to take photos from their seats, however they must not use flash photography or leave their seat to take photos during the ceremony due to the health and safety of all attending.

Graduation gowns and mortarboards are black cloth, and your hood will include red, dark blue and silver grey.

Hood colours are determined by the level of award; if you are graduating for two awards your hood will be for the highest award you have achieved.