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Coral Hill, elected President of Westminster & Holborn Law Society

The University of Law (ULaw) is pleased to announce its Head of External Relations (LLB) Coral Hill has been elected President of The City of Westminster and Holborn Law Society (CoWHLS). 

The Society provides a forum for networking and discussion in an area home to over 10,000 solicitors and legal professionals, whilst promoting ethical and professional legal services. As a member of the Federation des Barreaux d’Europe, its members also have the opportunity to develop links and exchange views with lawyers across Europe, particularly important for those involved in international work.

Coral first became involved with the Westminster Law Society when working as a litigation solicitor at Hempsons and Penningtons Manches, positions she held prior to joining ULaw. She has been the Head of External Relations at ULaw for over a year, responsible for developing a Study Abroad Programme for ULaw undergraduates. Coral’s career has been focussed on developing and delivering programmes for lawyers and she has worked with the British Council and The Law Society, as well participating in educational development with international lawyers visiting the UK. In 2015, she joined the International Committee of CoWHLS and acted as Conference Director for the 25th Congress for the Federation des Barreaux d’Europe, held in London in November 2017. She also sits on the Council Membership Committee of The Law Society of England and Wales, reviewing representation at national level.

Reflecting on her appointment, Coral said: “I’m looking forward to starting my work as President of CoWHLS at a critical time for the legal profession, with proposals from the SRA that go to the heart of what it means to be a solicitor, substantial changes to legal education, and developments from online courts, fixed fees and the evolving situation on Brexit.

“I’ve had a long connection with my local law society and I see immense value in working with colleagues in different environments.”

Fraser Whitehead, CoWHLS managing committee member and Head of BSLS at Slater Gordon (UK) LLP, said: “As a longstanding member of both Holborn Law Society and of the managing committee of City of Westminster & Holborn Law Society, and as a senior member of the Law Society Council, I am both honoured and enormously pleased to congratulate Coral Hill on her election as CoWHLS President for the year 2017-18.

“We welcome Coral to CoWHLS with all confidence that the enthusiasm, commitment and effectiveness which she has demonstrated will now enable the Society to move forward.”

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