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Another successful ‘Get in to Business’ event for The University of Law Business School

Following on from recent successes at the Leeds Campus, The University of Law Manchester Campus is also going from strength to strength with its business school recruitment efforts.

Following a similar format to the ‘Get in to Business’ event at Leeds, the Manchester Domestic Student Recruitment team hosted a day of workshops, presentations and debates last week for year 10, 11 and 12 students thinking about studying business at university.

Students developed their understanding of modern business challenges within human resources, finance and marketing and put forward impressive recommendations and business ideas that they had developed throughout the day.

Manchester Student Recruitment Officer, Georgina Illiff, said: “It is great to see a group of students choosing to attend an event to further their interests and being very engaged with the sessions. We had some exciting and innovative ideas presented to us and many budding entrepreneurs in the room. The sessions gave a great insight into the different career paths that students can take within a career in business and I hope it has inspired the students to study business at A Level and university.”

Get in to Business event

Students who attended the event were also given the opportunity to win a Macbook Pro by entering the Business School’s competition in partnership with The Student Room. Students can enter online via The University of Law Business School’s business hub and are asked to come up with a name, elevator pitch and outline marketing plan for their very own business. Entries will be judged and shortlisted by the business school faculty in September and The Student Room online community will have a chance to vote for their favourite business idea with the winner announced in October.


For more information about The University of Law Business School undergraduate programmes visit our course pages.