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Hundreds of academics from around the world to attend The University of Law Learning and Teaching Conference and International Symposium

Hundreds of academics from around the world will be attending The University of Law (ULaw) ninth Annual Learning and Teaching Conference and first international Symposium 2022.

The Learning and Teaching Conference ‘Building on Success: New Faces, New Spaces, New Learning’ will take place at ULaw’s Bloomsbury Campus on September 6 and the Birmingham campus on September 8. The International Symposium will be held at the Moorgate campus on September 7.

The Conference will host talks and presentations focused on student wellbeing, teaching excellence and how attendees can best support students post-pandemic, both in-person and through virtual learning.

The keynote speaker, Dr Emily McIntosh, Higher Education Leader and Principal Fellow, will be welcoming guests and kicking off the day with a presentation on the six pillars of her Early Intervention and Transitional Support (EI) Model.

In the morning session, discussions will focus on improving modules and student curriculum; ULaw Senior Lecturer Shireen Nakhuda will be sharing practical tips on how to best supervise AMIL Dissertations and the new MA Law (Conversion) Dissertation.

There will also be a presentation from ULaw’s Associate Dean and practising Barrister Sarah Corbett, discussing her findings from her PhD research on colonialism and criminal law/evidence. Selected talks will include audience participation and an opportunity for attendees to practice new skills.

The International Symposium ‘Building on Success: New partners, New regions’ provides a platform where international partners, regulators, and academic colleagues share their insights into the effectiveness and impact of Transnational Education (TNE).

Expert speakers include ULaw’s Pro-Vice-Chancellor of International Development Vassilis Konstantinou examining trends in TNE and guest speaker Sharad Mehra, CEO of Global University Systems (GUS) India. There will be presentations and Q&A sessions taking place throughout the day and a final Panel discussion about challenges and opportunities in TNE post-pandemic era.

The conference will also act as a Research Showcase platform, celebrating the success of TNE over the last academic year and setting the stage for sharing best practices and innovative ideas about global TNE provision.

Professor Brian Smith, Director of Academic Enhancement and Research at ULaw, said: "Our Learning and Teaching conference is always an inspirational day where renowned presenters share new knowledge, practices and novel concepts. It is also an opportunity to celebrate many successes with our student partners.”

“I am also delighted that we are hosting our first International Partner Symposium. Our partners are an integral element of our activities and help us to be an outstanding University.”

“These events are wonderful reminders of the love of learning in our university community and the tireless efforts colleagues go to in supporting students to fulfil their potential and life ambitions.”